67 photographs

One! That's how many, one. And here is is--> All the rest are rubbish; I tapped the tripod, focused badly, over exposed, under exposed, couldn't find the right button to press, oh whatevah!
So, need to learn how to find the correct controls in the dark and how to focus on the moon manually. The autofocus was lost.
This fella was taken at 1/125, f stop 3.1 mimicking ISO 200 film. How did I do that? I'll have to RTFM.
I can see the rabbit!!
You will have an automatic timer on your camera. Use this, then any vibrations caused by pressing the shutter button or contact with the tripod will have fully dampened by the time the shutter goes.
You may also have a mirror lock facility that helps reduce vibration too.
The auto focus might be out of whack because the moon is not dead centre in the photograph. Altenatively try the 'landscape' setting in moron mode and this should will do the trick. Otherwise focus manually if you can.
With the auto timer stick to the slowest ISO speed possible. You might have to use 4 second exposures but that will be OK.
This photo is still slightly overexposed so stop down one more stop.
Have fun - if possible!!